High Performance Banking and Past President's Night
Tuesday, April 26, 2022
5:00 PM ET
8:00 PM ET
Program Description
Please join us for our April monthly meeting with guest speaker Tom Grottke from Crowe speaking on High Performance Banking. Over the last decade Crowe has tracked the performance of banks to identify trends and strategies that lead to high performance. High Performing Banks (HPB) out perform their peers consistently and have more opportunities for growth. What are the common characteristics and strategies of high performing banks? What can executives do to make their organization’s high performing? Becoming high performing for some banks may require major transformation. During this session experienced Crowe banking consultant will share the results of their research into high performing banks, and share about the strategies and practices that HPB put in place to help the succeed and outlast competition.
- 5:00 PM ET - Event Beings
8:00 PM ET - Event Ends
Tom Grottke
Managing Director, Crowe LLP
Tom Grottke is a managing director in the consulting group at Crowe. He leads performance improvement consulting services for financial institutions. Tom has more than 34 years of professional experience as an auditor or consultant working with management teams of financial institutions of all sizes to drive strategy into action. Tom specializes in providing strategic advisory services and enterprise and line-of-business change programs through technology and/or operational consulting services.
Tom is a regular speaker on banking trends at industry association seminars and events with the Connecticut, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Illinois, and Pennsylvania bankers associations, at technology provider annual meetings, and at universities.
Embassy Suites
550 Winter Street
Credit Hours
Earn up to 1 hour of CPE credit.
Advance Preparation:
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Instructional Method:
60 Minutes
Business Management & Organization
Group Live

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