As of 4/19/2022
Schedule is tentative and subject to change. Please check back for updates.
Sunday, September 18, 2022
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2:00 PM ET
8:00 PM ET
Ballroom Foyer
6:00 PM ET
8:00 PM ET
Welcome Reception
Hosted by Paladin fs
Waterfront Pavillion
Monday, September 19, 2022
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7:00 AM ET
8:30 AM ET
Buffet Breakfast
Sponsored by Nutter and Darling Consulting Group
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7:45 AM ET
12:00 PMET
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8:30 AM ET
8:45 AM ET
Opening Remarks
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8:45 AM ET
9:45 AM ET
Presentation 1:
Fintech Disruption of the Legacy Core Obstruction
Aaron Silva, Paladin fs
Fintech will disrupt every aspect of banking IT in the next 5 years but nobody is giving institutions a plan on how to find, assess, procure and implement friendly Fintech alternatives. Even worse, very few are talking about market obstruction being executed by the major core IT suppliers and how this could blow up an institution's efforts in executing an innovative and digital transformation plan. This session will arm attendees with an action plan for success.
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9:45 AM ET
10:00 AM ET
Coffee Break
Sponsored by Berry Dunn
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10:00 AM ET
11:00 AM ET
Presentation 2:
You Can't Predict, But You Can Prepare
Scott Hildenbrand, Piper Sandler
This discussion will cover balance sheet strategies and tactics in the current environment. Themes will include weaponizing your ALM and using derivatives to drive fee income, enhance NIM, and protect capital and earnings. We will also discuss measuring and allocating excess liquidity, deleverage considerations, and opportunities on the asset and liability sides of the balance sheet. This will include relevant accounting and regulatory updates, coupled with market updates to contextualize the ideas and help management teams value the right things for both today’s market conditions and the long run.
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11:00 AM ET
12:00 PM ET
Presentation 3: Ransomware as the Leading Security Threat in Today’s Environment
Speaker: Michael Dombrowski, RSM US LLP
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12:00 PM ET
1:00 PM ET
Sponsored by RSM US LLP and Piper Sandler
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1:00 PM ET
2:00 PM ET
Presentation 4:
Auditor's Expectations over CECL adoption
Speakers: Diana Cordeiro, Brian Kaiser and Cody Simants, CFGI
The Current Expected Credit Loss standard requires "life of loan" estimates of losses to be recorded for private companies starting January 1, 2023. This concept provides operational complexities and significantly more inputs and assumptions than in the previous impaired model. Learn here as to what auditors will expect for documentation, best practices from previous adoptions and how to properly govern the process of transitioning to CECL.
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2:00 PM ET
3:00 PM ET
Presentation 5:
Capital In Today’s Volatile Rate Environment
Speaker: Matt Forgotson, Performance Trust
Most community financial institutions evaluate their capital allocation options in silos, not as interconnected and mutually-reinforcing decisions. They do so because of limited tools and limited time. Such an approach can lead financial institutions to make suboptimal capital allocations and even pursue risk when their objective is to mitigate risk. Drawing from lived experience, Matt will reveal that counting all cash flows to a common analytical horizon breaks down the silos, providing more complete information and empowering managers to allocate capital with greater confidence and clarity. Establishing a Capital Level Playing Field allows us to ask the single most important question in banking: “Compared to what?”
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3:00 PM ET
3:15 PM ET
Coffee Break
Sponsored by Raymond Jones
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3:15 PM ET
4:15 PM ET
Presentation 6:
The Future of Funding in Banking
Speakers: Raisin
How will bank funding evolve over the next few years? What role will digitization play and how will retail and wholesale funding evolve? Can smaller institutions compete for deposits with the megabanks and the highly specialized online players?
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4:15 PM ET
5:15 PM ET
Presentation 7:
Payments – The Past, Present and Future
Speaker: Alex Campbell, Vice President, Client Services, COCC
Heightened demands for new, faster and innovative payment methods are rapidly guiding the financial industry in new directions. From payment methods, railways, P2P, fraud trends and more – the sophistication of the payments landscape is evolving faster than ever. Join us for this educational session surrounding how payments have evolved over time and where we are headed in the years to come!
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6:00 PM ET
8:00 PM ET
Monday Reception and Dinner
Hosted by CFGI
North Lawn
Tuesday, September 20, 2022
Start Time
End Time
8:15 AM ET
9:15 AM ET
Breakout Presentation 1a:
Inflation, the Fed, and Balance Sheet Management
Speaker: Ryan Henley, Stifel
With recent inflation indications bolstering the Federal Reserve towards tightening measures, managing balance sheet exposure to liquidity, interest rate and credit risk continues to be paramount. This session will explore aggregate industry sensitivities across these risks, decompose the review into peer ranges, and draw parallels for how other institutions may react. The discussion will then turn to exploring strategies both on- and off-balance sheet, that can help position institutions for outperformance across a range of outcomes. Commentary throughout will include references to peer activity, regulatory and accounting developments, and finally relative value opportunities in investments, loans, funding and derivatives.
Breakout Presentation 1b:
ESG and What it Might Mean for Me
Speaker: BNN
Environmental, social and governance issues are an on-going topic of discussion for many institutions. This session will give an overview of the topic covering the fundamental concepts, potential frameworks, governance considerations and current trends.
9:30 AM ET
10:30 AM ET
Breakout Presentation 2a:
BOLI Case Studies
Speaker: Ian Franke, IIG
Bank Owned Life Insurance (BOLI) had its biggest year in over a decade in 2021. Some buyers utilized the product for specific benefit related purposes while others focused on the attractive tax-efficient investment properties.
This session will reference cases that were placed over the past year and discuss the different product usages, focusing on stakeholder decision points in the process. It will also discuss the state of the current BOLI market and products that are garnering interest at this point in the rate cycle. This session will provide honest insight in to the various considerations around a BOLI purchase, including the tax and financial benefits of the products along with the potential pitfalls of purchasing and owning this specialized asset.
Breakout Presentation 2b:
Are governments and “main street” businesses ready to embrace digital currencies, and if so, what are the practical implications for most businesses?
Speaker: Michael Krebs, Nutter
As stablecoins and their reserves have been increasingly scrutinized in recent years, legislation designed to regulate the digital assets is expected to be considered by Congress. Separately, in March 2022, President Biden signed an executive order calling on the government to examine the risks and benefits of cryptocurrencies. The Biden administration also wants to explore a digital version of the dollar. What is the timeline and the likely outcome of these initiatives, and what might the practical consequences of a digital currency be for most U.S. businesses?
10:45 AM ET
11:45 AM ET
Presentation 3a: Warning:
“Yield Curve Inversion Ahead”-Will This Time Be Different?
Speaker: Frank Farone, Darling Consulting Group
Managing excess liquidity, deposit and loan pricing, wholesale funding alternatives (yes, wholesale) investments and margins in a flattening yield curve environment will be a daunting task given the sudden shift in the financial landscape. History has taught us that the Fed can change course quickly – we must position our balance sheet appropriately and be in a position of strength to manage whatever challenges lie ahead.
Presentation 3b: CECL:
Crossing the finish line, and then…
Speaker: Susan Weber, Berry Dunn
This is not a drill – CECL is upon us! But getting ready for CECL, and living with CECL may feel entirely different – as our presenter discovered. From a banker’s perspective, this session will focus not only on the final stages of CECL adoption, but what comes after. We’ll examine operational, control, and governance implications – among others – as well as strategic considerations leaders may want to prepare for, now. Prior to joining BerryDunn, the presenter spent 26 years in public banking, the last 10 of which included directing CECL readiness, adoption, and on-going management.
12:00 PM ET
1:00 PM ET
Closing Lunch & Presentation Discussion
Sponsored by Performance Trust
Speaker: Elise Kulak, Impact Performance Group
A thought provoking session on enhancing employee engagement, motivation and well-being. As leaders, we grapple with unique challenges of keeping all team members engaged as they work from the office, home or remote workspaces. This hybrid work environment presents a unique set of interpersonal dynamics. Today’s leaders must be able to leverage technology effectively and understand the psychological needs of their team in order to:
- Maximize team member engagement
- Maintain high levels of motivation,
- Create a sense of well-being essential to helping individuals, teams and organizations thrive
- Cultivate trust and foster a sense of belonging.
Credit Hours
Earn up to 10 hours of CPE credit.
Level: Basic - Intermediate
Prerequisites: None
Advance preparation: None
Field of Study: TBD
Instructional Method: Group Live
Length: 600 minutes
For more information regarding administrative policies such as concerns or refunds, call 312-578-1300. FMS is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses. Complaints regarding sponsors may be addressed to: The National Registry of CPE Sponsors, 150 Fourth Avenue, North, Suite 700, Nashville, TN 37219-2417 Web: www.nasba.org.
Have a Question?
Reach out to JP Lapointe (jplapointe@northeastbank.com) or Kate Peterson (kpeterson@watertownsavings.com).